Cover; Half-title; Series information; Title page; Copyright information; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1 Introduction; 2 A Trinity of Duplexities; 2.1 From Emergence of Spin, to Antiparticles, to Dark Matter; 3 From Elements of Lie Symmetries to Lorentz Algebra; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Generator of a Lie Symmetry; 3.3 A Beauty of Abstraction and a Hint for the Quantum Nature of Reality; 3.4 A Unification of the Microscopic and the Macroscopic; 3.5 Lorentz Algebra; 3.6 Further Abstraction: Un-Hinging the Lorentz Algebra from its Association with Minkowski Spacetime
12 Rotation-Induced Effects on Elko12.1 Setting Up an Orthonormal Cartesian Coordinate System with [hat(p)] as One of Its Axis; 12.2 Generators of the Rotation in the New Coordinate System; 12.3 The New Effect; 13 Elko-Dirac Interplay: A Temptation and a Departure; 13.1 Null Norm of Massive Elko and Elko-Dirac Interplay; 13.2 Further on Elko-Dirac Interplay; 13.3 A Temptation and a Departure; 14 An Ab Initio Journey into Duals; 14.1 Motivation and a Brief Outline; 14.2 The Dual of Spinors: Constraints from the Scalar Invariants; 14.3 The Dirac and the Elko Dual: A Preview
14.4 Constraints on the Metric from Lorentz, and Discrete, Symmetries14.4.1 A Freedom in the Definition of the Metric; 14.4.2 The Dirac Dual; 14.5 The Elko Dual; 14.6 The Dual of Spinors: Constraint from the Invariance of the Elko Spin Sums; 14.7 The IUCAA Breakthrough; 15 Mass Dimension One Fermions; 15.1 A Quantum Field with Elko as its Expansion Coefficient; 15.2 A Hint That the New Field Is Fermionic; 15.3 Amplitude for Propagation; 15.4 Mass Dimension One Fermions; 15.5 Locality Structure of the New Field; 15.5.1 Majorana-isation of the New Field
4 Representations of Lorentz Algebra4.1 Poincaré Algebra, Mass and Spin; 4.1.1 A Cautionary Remark; 4.2 Representations of Lorentz Algebra; 4.2.1 Notational Remark; 4.2.2 Accidental Casimir; 4.3 Simplest Representations of Lorentz Algebra; 4.4 Spacetime: Its Construction from the Simplest Representations of Lorentz Algebra; 4.5 A Few Philosophic Remarks; 5 Discrete Symmetries: Part 1 (Parity); 5.1 Discrete Symmetries; 5.2 Weyl Spinors; 5.3 Parity Operator for the General Four-Component Spinors; 5.4 The Parity Constraint on Spinors, Locality Phases, and Constructing the Dirac Spinors
6 Discrete Symmetries: Part 2 (Charge Conjugation)6.1 Magic of Wigner Time Reversal Operator; 6.2 Charge Conjugation Operator for the General Four-Component Spinors; 6.3 Transmutation of P Eigenvalues by C, and Related Results; 7 Eigenspinors of Charge Conjugation Operator, Elko; 7.1 Elko; 7.2 Restriction on Local Gauge Symmetries; 8 Construction of Elko; 8.1 Elko at Rest; 8.2 Elko Are Not Grassmann, Nor Are They Weyl In Disguise; 8.3 Elko For Any Momentum; 9 A Hint for Mass Dimension One Fermions; 10 CPT for Elko; 11 Elko in Shirokov-Trautman, Wigner and Lounesto Classifications
In 2005, Dharam Ahluwalia and Daniel Grumiller reported an unexpected theoretical discovery of mass dimension one fermions. These are an entirely new class of spin one half particles, and because of their mass dimensionality mismatch with the standard model fermions they are a first-principle dark matter candidate. Written by one of the physicists involved in the discovery, this is the first book to outline the discovery of mass dimension one fermions. Using a foundation of Lorentz algebra it provides a detailed construction of the eigenspinors of the charge conjugation operator (Elko) and their properties. The theory of dual spaces is then covered, before mass dimension one fermions are discussed in detail. With mass dimension one fermions having applications to cosmology and high energy physics, this book is essential for graduate students and researchers in quantum field theory, mathematical physics, and particle theory.