Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; PREFACE; THE EDITOR; CONTRIBUTORS; Table of Contents; Chapter 1: Rodent Problems on the North American Continent; Chapter 2: The Rodent Problem in Latin America; Chapter 3: Rodent Problems in Europe; Chapter 4: Rodent Problems in Africa; Chapter 5: Rodent Problems in Asia; Chapter 6: Rodent Problems in Selected Countries in Southeast Asia and Islands in the Pacific; Chapter 7: Rodents and Human Disease:A Global Appreciation; Chapter 8: Population Principles; Chapter 9: Changing Patterns of Rodent Populations in India
Chapter 10: Prevention of Plagues of House Mice in Rural AustraliaChapter 11: Reproduction; Chapter 12: Behavior; Chapter 13: Methods for Estimating the Losses Caused in Rice and Other Crops by Rodents; Chapter 14: Selection of Baits and Their Distribution; Chapter 15: Large-scale Evaluation of Rodent Control Technologies; Chapter 16: Rodent Pest Management: The Principles; Chapter 17: Exploring, Sampling, Neophobia, and Feeding; Chapter 18: Bait Shyness and Poison Aversion; Chapter 19: Nonanticoagulant Rodenticides; Chapter 20: Anticoagulant Rodenticides
Chapter 21: Chemosterilants for Rodent ControlChapter 22: The Potential for Pheromonal Involvement in Rodent Control Programs; Chapter 23: Biological Principles, Development, and Perspectives of the Use of Bacteria and Viruses; Chapter 24: Natural Resistance of Plants to Pest Rodents; Chapter 25: Chemical Repellents; Chapter 26: Ultrasound Devices; Chapter 27: Predation; Chapter 28: Nonlethal Methods in Rodent Control; Chapter 29: Integrated Pest Management, Principles in Rodent Control; Chapter 30: Transfer of Rodent Pest Control Technology; Chapter 31: Areas of Further Research
The objective of this multi-authored compendium is, therefore, to bring together the state of arts reported in one place. Written by specialists by specialists in various fields of rondentology, and to suggest future lines of research. It is also felt that this work on rodent pest management will trigger more research effort for the benefit of mankind and help certain countries and organizations in revitalizing serious work in this field which, it appears, has dampened during the last few years.