Physical oceanographic processes of the Great Barrier Reef /
Eric Wolanski ; with an introduction by G.L. Pickard.
Boca Raton :
CRC Press,
1 online resource :
CRC revivals
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; PREFACE; Table of Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1: Geographic Setting; Chapter 2: Wind, Rainfall, and Sediment Inflow; 2.1 Meteorology; 2.2 Freshwater Input; 2.2.1 Rainfall; 2.2.2 Freshwater Inflow; 2.2.3 Estuarine Filtering; 2.3 Sediment Inflow; 2.3.1 Riverine Sediment; 2.3.2 Estuarine Trapping; 2.3.3 Dredging; Chapter 3: Water Properties and Patchiness; 3.1 Types of Water; 3.2 Coral Sea Nutrients; 3.3 Shelf Waters; 3.4 River Plumes; 3.5 Topographically Controlled Patchiness; 3.6 Turbidity; 3.7 Biological Patchiness; Chapter 4: The Tides.
4.1 Sea Levels4.2 Tidal Currents; 4.2.1 Central Region; 4.2.2 Southern Region; 4.2.3 Northern Region; 4.2.4 Tidal Blocking by Reefs: An Example in Torres Strait; 4.3 Internal Tides; Chapter 5: Low-Frequency Motions; 5.1 Low-Frequency Sea-Level Oscillations; 5.2 Low-Frequency Current Fluctuations; 5.2.1 Central Region; 5.2.2 Coral Sea Adjoining the Central Great Barrier Reef; 5.2.3 Southern Region; 5.2.4 Northern Region; 5.2.5 Gulf of Papua; Chapter 6: Models of the Low-Frequency Circulation; 6.1 Barotropic Currents in the Central and Southern Regions.
6.2 Influence of the Reefs on Cross-Shelf Movements6.3 Baroclinic Effects in the Central Region; 6.4 Northern Region; 6.5 Torres Strait; 6.6 Influence of the East Australian Current; 6.6.1 Sticky Waters; Chapter 7: High-Frequency Waves; 7.1 Seiching; 7.2 Forcing; 7.2.1 Forcing from the Coral Sea; 7.2.2 Forcing by the Local Wind; 7.2.3 Forcing by Tropical Cyclones; 7.3 Wave Breaking by Coral Reefs; 7.4 Wave Setup and Circulation; 7.5 Wave Focusing by Reef Platforms; 7.6 Biological Wave Damping; Chapter 8: Reef-Induced Circulation; 8.1 Reynolds Number Analogy; 8.2 Island Wakes.
8.3 Upwelling Mechanisms around Coral Reefs8.4 Upwelling in Free-Shear Layers; 8.5 Secondary Circulation in Small Shallow Bays; 8.6 Tidal Jets; 8.7 Tidal Currents in a Reef Matrix; 8.8 Large-Scale Circulation; 8.9 Flow through the Substrate; 8.10 Baroclinic Circulation; Chapter 9: Mixing and Dispersion Around Coral Reefs; 9.1 Barotropic Processes Generating Patchiness; 9.1.1 Lateral Trapping; 9.1.2 Coastal Circulation; 9.1.3 Free Shear Layers; 9.1.4 Secondary Three-Dimensional Circulation; 9.1.5 Sticky Waters; 9.2 Baroclinic Effects Generating Patchiness; 9.3 Open Water Aggregating Mechanisms.
9.4 Models of PatchinessChapter 10: Managing the Great Barrier Reef; 10.1 The Impact of Man; 10.2 Physical Oceanography as a Tool for Management; References; Index.
Physical Oceanographic Processes of the Great Barrier Reef is the first comprehensive volume describing the water circulation and its influence in controlling the distribution of marine life on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. The book uses exhaustive field and numerical studies to show how the influence of the salient topography occurs at all scales.
Ingram Content Group
Physical oceanographic processes of the Great Barrier Reef.
Oceanography-- Australia-- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.)