""Chapter 2 Blender-to-Unity Workflow""""Configuring the Blender GUI""; ""Dark Themes""; ""Disable Python Tooltips""; ""Maya Controls""; ""The Close-Without-Saving “Bug�""; ""Exporting Blender Models to Unity""; "". Blend Files""; ""Tutorial: Exporting Manually to FBX""; ""Exploring FBX Files""; ""Tutorial: Importing FBX Files into Unity""; ""Lightmap UVs""; ""Scale Factor""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 3 Modular Environments and Static Meshes""; ""Advantages of the Modular Method""; ""Getting Started with Modular Environments in Blender""; ""Extending from the Base Tile""
""Modular Environment Blender Workflow""""Flipping Normals""; ""Backface Culling""; ""Vertex and Incremental Snapping""; ""N-gons""; ""Searching for N-gons""; ""Undoing and Removing Doubles""; ""Mirroring""; ""Using Vertex Groups""; ""Mesh Display Settings""; ""UV Mapping and Texture Creation""; ""Marking Seams, UV Mapping, and Modeling""; ""Atlas Textures and UV Overlapping""; ""Establish Texel Density""; ""Importing and Configuring Environments in Unity""; ""Using Prefabs""; ""Static Batching""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 4 Terrain""; ""Creating Terrain in Unity""; ""Terrain Settings""
""Preparing for Animation in Blender""""Use a Dedicated Animation Layout""; ""Beware of Auto-Key""; ""Insert Single Keyframes""; ""Animation Length""; ""Exporting Animations to FBX""; ""Working with Multiple Animations""; ""Keyframe Animations from Blender to Unity""; ""Follow-Path Animations and Animation Baking""; ""Blend Shapes and Shape Keys""; ""Bones and Rigging""; ""Always Name Bones""; ""Use X-Axis Mirror for Character Rigs""; ""Forward and Inverse Kinematics""; ""Deform and Control Bones""; ""Exporting Rigged Characters""; ""Importing Rigged Meshes into Unity""; ""Summary""
""Sculpting Terrain""""Texture-Painting Terrain""; ""Evaluating Unity Terrains""; ""Blender Terrain Modeling""; ""The Proportional Editing Method""; ""The Displacement-Texture Method""; ""The Sculpting Method""; ""Terrain Resolution""; ""Texture-Painting Terrain""; ""UV Mapping Terrains""; ""Generating a Texture for Painting""; ""Painting from the UV Image Editor""; ""Painting from the 3D View""; ""Painting with Textures""; ""Working with Roads and Paths""; ""Creating Roads""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 5 Animation Workflows""; ""Animation Units: The Keyframe""