Part 1: Maps as Objects of Explanation. -- The Map as Artifact and Process. Correspondence. -- Inter-subjectivity and the Relationship of Things or Ideas. -- The 'Neutral Domain' in the Map. -- Part 2: Terms of the Map. -- How Maps Communicate: Ordering, Reducing, Weighting. -- Data Visualization, Mapping, Measuring. -- General Determination of the Five Key Elements. -- Functions: Time (and/or Movement) and Place. -- Part 3: Maps as Power, Identity and Utopia. -- The Map as a Field of Forces: Maps and Representation. -- Power and Identity. -- New Geographies, New Territories. -- Future Place(s). -- Part 4: Case Studies. -- The Instrumentality of the Map in Design. -- Maps and Mapping as Hypothesis Making. -- Working with Observation: Quantitative and Qualitative Data. -- Case Study 1: Orthographic Projections and the Grid. -- Case Study 2: Perceptual Analogues and the Axis of Translation. -- Case Study 3: Thematic Mapping and Indexing. -- Case Study 4: Catalogs, Taxonomies, and Time. -- Case Study 5: Images of the City through Movement.
"Data Visualization for Design Thinking helps you make better maps. Treating maps as applied research, you'll be able to understand how to map sites, places, ideas, and projects, revealing the complex relationships between what you represent, your thinking, the technology you use, the culture you belong to, and your aesthetic practices. More than 100 examples illustrated with over 200 color images show you how to visualize data through mapping. Includes five in-depth cases studies and numerous examples throughout."--pub. desc.