The nature of interests : toward a unifying theory of trait-state interest dynamics / Rong Su, Gundula Stoll and James Rounds -- Interest development as a dynamic process in the workplace / K. Ann Renninger and Suzanne E. Hidi -- A history of vocational interest measurement / Michael J. Zickar and Hanyi Min -- Interest measurement / Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, Stephen Stark and Christopher D. Nye -- Vocational interests and work outcomes / Christopher D. Nye, Sarena Bhatia and Joshua Prasad -- Personnel selection and vocational interests : recent research and future directions / Frederick L. Oswald, Leaetta M. Hough and Chen Zuo -- Vocational interests and meaningful work / M. Teresa Cardador -- The importance of interests for understanding retirement / Laura Venz and Mo Wang -- New(ish) directions for vocational interests research / Robert Hogan and Ryne A. Sherman -- Connecting concepts: effects of diversity of interests and interests' effects on diversity / Ann Marie Ryan and Danielle D. King -- Vocational interests in a global business environment / Jason L. Huang, Shan Ran and Mengqiao Lui -- Development of vocational interests in adulthood / Bart Wille and Filip De Fruyt -- The role of interests in the development of expertise : a multifactorial perspective / David Z. Hambrick, Alexander P. Burgoyne and Frederick L. Oswald.
"... This book emphasizes the strong links betwen vocational interests and work behavior ... [exploring] this relationship between interests and practice ... [Topics include] interestment measurement, personnel selection, motivation and performance; expertise; meaningful work; effects of a global business environment; diversity; and the ongoing development of interests through adulthood to retirement ..."--Back cover.