Handbook on measurement, assessment, and evaluation in higher education /
[edited] by Charles Secolsky and D. Brian Denison.
Second edition.
New York, NY :
1 online resource
Handbook on measurement, assessment, and evaluation in higher education- Front Cover -- Handbook on measurement, assessment, and evaluation in higher education -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Foreword -- Preface: Improving Institutional Decision-Making through Educational Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation -- Integrating Diverse Disciplines and Perspectives -- Overview of the Handbook's Contents -- References -- Acknowledgments -- List of Acronyms -- PART I: Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in Higher Education: Past, Present, and Future -- Introduction to Part I 1 -- Chapter 1: The Failure of Higher Education to Follow the Standards It Has Established in Methodology and Evaluation -- Overview -- The Great Scandal -- A Blueprint for Progress -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 2: On Measurement in Educational Assessment -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Views of Educational Measurement -- 3. Sociocognitive Psychology -- 4. Assessment as Evidentiary Argument -- 5. Some Implications for Assessment in Higher Education -- 6. Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- PART II: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education -- Introduction to Part II -- Chapter 3: Assessing the Quality of a University, Particularly Its Teaching -- Diverse Assessments across the University -- Formative and Summative Assessment: Formal and Informal -- Barriers to Comprehensive Assessment across the University -- An Example: The Assessment of Teaching -- The Function of Assessment in Improving University Operations -- Strategies for Formative Evaluation -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 4: Validity Issues in Measuring Student Success -- Construct Validity Criteria: Preparation for Student Success -- Consequential Validity Criteria: Defining Student Success -- Face Validity Criteria: Counting Students.
Chapter 10: Mixed Methods Specialists in Action: Linking Mixed Methods Research to Learning and Classroom Assessment -- An Overview of Mixed Methods Research -- Mixed Methods and Evaluation -- Mixed Methods and Assessment -- Conclusion -- Note -- References -- PART III: Theoretical Foundations of Educational Measurement -- Introduction to Part III -- Chapter 11: The Validation of Tests in Higher Education -- Sources of Evidence -- Validation of Test Uses in Higher Education -- Final Thoughts -- Note -- References -- Chapter 12: Reliability -- Score Reliability Coefficients as Variability Ratios -- Classical Theory Score Reliability Estimates -- Role of Interitem Correlations -- Modern Measurement Theory Reliability Coefficients -- Tests Are Not Reliable -- Reliability and Item Analysis Computations -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 13: Using Classical Test Theory in Higher Education -- What Do We Test in Higher Education? -- What Are the Characteristics of Good Measurement? -- The Basic Concepts of CTT: What Do True Score, the Standard Error of Measurement, Reliability, and Validity Mean? -- How Does CTT Work in Developing and Evaluating a Course Achievement Measure? -- How Does Classical Test Theory Relate to Testing in Higher Education Today? -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 14: Item Response Theory in Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation for Higher Education -- An Introduction to Item Response Theory -- Key Points -- IRT Software/Resources -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 15: Generalizability Theory in Assessment Contexts -- Generalizability Studies -- Decision Studies -- Study Design in Generalizability and Decision Studies -- Additional Topics -- References -- PART IV: Testing and Assessment: Implications for Decision-Making -- Introduction to Part IV -- Reference -- Chapter 16: Scaling, Norming, and Equating -- Key Points.
Content Validity Criteria: The Quality of Learning -- Validity and Argument-Based Criteria for Student Success Models -- References -- Chapter 5: Course-Embedded Assessment: Aligning Pedagogical Practices to Enhance Student Learning -- Foundational Principles of Course-Embedded Assessment -- Why Bother? The Course-Embedded Assessment Imperative -- The Importance of Alignment to Meaningful Classroom Assessment -- A New Model for Course-Embedded Assessment: Lessons from the Learning Sciences -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: Implementing Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes Assessment at the Program and Institutional Levels -- Contexts for Outcomes Assessment -- Background: Assessment Initiatives -- Alignment of Institutional Mission with Goals, Student Learning, and Outcomes -- Levels of Performance/Development -- Methodology: Does Assessment of SLOs Require Scientific Rigor? -- Communicating Assessment Results for Improving Student Learning -- Faculty Skills for Assessment -- Assessing General Education Student Learning Outcomes: A Case Study -- References -- Chapter 7: The Perennial Challenges of Accountability -- Information on Learning -- The Use and Misuse of Data -- Moving Forward -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 8: Talking about Data: The Faculty Discourse on Practice, Student Learning, and Evaluative Processes -- Assessment Data and the Question of Faculty Use: Experiences at a Comprehensive State University -- Effective Faculty Discourse about Outcomes, Learning, and Performance -- Some Exploratory Examples -- Some Collected Thoughts -- Note -- References -- Chapter 9: Benchmarking in Community Colleges -- Benchmarking Defined -- Benchmarking Tools: A Sample of What Is Available -- Challenges of Benchmarks -- Conclusions -- References.
Practical Issues -- Conclusions -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 23: Item Analysis for Classroom Assessments in Higher Education -- Practical Item Statistics for Classroom Test-Item Review -- Detecting Differential Item Functioning (DIF) -- Sample of Available Item-Analysis Software -- Follow-Up Reading -- References -- Chapter 24: Computer-Based Testing in Higher Education -- The Potential for Computer-Based Testing in Education -- Current Use of Computer-Based Testing in Higher Education -- How Computer-Based Testing Can Shape Higher Education -- Supporting Students with Disabilities and English Learners -- Conclusions -- Notes -- References -- PART VI: Statistical Approaches in Higher Education Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation -- Introduction to Part VI -- Chapter 25: Issues in the Analysis of Change -- Motivation for Analyzing Change -- Why Do We Need Growth-Curve Modeling? -- Multivariate Repeated Measures -- What Do We Need to Measure Change? -- What Analytic Techniques Do We Use to Measure Change? -- Issues and Pitfalls in the Measurement of Change -- Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 26: Multilevel Linear Modeling in Higher Education Contexts -- Data -- Modeling the Repeated Measures of Locus of Control with RMANOVA -- Modeling Individual Growth Trajectories with MLM -- Conducting the MLM Analysis: From Start to Finish -- Conclusion -- Appendix: Stata DO File -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 27: Statistical Modeling in Educational Research -- Background into Statistical Modeling -- Single DV: General Linear Modeling and Generalized Linear Modeling -- Multiple DVs: Extensions of General Linear Modeling and Other Multivariate Analysis Techniques -- More Advanced Modeling Strategies -- Additional Considerations -- Conclusions -- Notes -- References.
Theoretical Considerations -- Practical Applications -- Examples -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 17: Setting and Validating Cut Scores for Tests -- Components of the Standard-Setting Process -- Common Steps in a Standard-Setting Study -- Selecting a Standard-Setting Method -- Documentation and Evaluation -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 18: College Placement Testing of Entering Students -- The Need for Placement Testing -- Evaluating Tests for Use in Placement -- Special Topics in Placement Testing -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 19: Admissions Testing in College and Graduate Education -- Undergraduate Admissions Tests -- Graduate School Admissions: The Graduate Record Examinations -- Test Development -- Scoring -- Predictive Validity of Admissions Tests -- Fairness of Admissions Tests to Special Populations -- Key Information for Admissions Personnel -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 20: Closing the Accommodation Gap: New Thinking on Accessibility and Accommodations for Secondary and Postsecondary Students with Disabilities -- Profiles and Current Trends among Students with Disabilities -- Understanding the Decreasing Accommodation Disparity -- Understanding the Accommodation Gap -- New Thinking around Access and Accommodation for All Students -- References -- PART V: Test Construction and Development -- Introduction to Part V -- Chapter 21: Evidence-Centered Design and Postsecondary Assessment -- Postsecondary Assessment Challenges -- Types of Assessments -- Introduction to ECD Principles and Practices -- Using ECD to Design and Develop Postsecondary Assessments: Three Examples -- Meeting the Challenges of Postsecondary Assessment -- Conclusions -- Appendix: Design Pattern -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 22: Building Content and Statistical Test Specifications -- Building Content and Statistical Specifications.
Handbook on measurement, assessment, and evaluation in higher education.
Education, Higher-- Evaluation, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Educational tests and measurements, Handbooks, manuals, etc.