Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; About the Author; List of figures; List of tables; Notations; 1 Introduction; 2 Soil shear-the phenomenological model; 3 Soil shear-the physical model (part 1); 4 Soil shear-the physical model (part 2); 5 Soil shear-strain rate effects; 6 Consolidation compression-the generalized model; 7 One-dimensional loading-strain rate effects; 8 Finite element analysis using DSSM; Appendix 1: The Poisson process for soil deformation; Appendix 2: Analytical solution to approximated DSSM model; References; Subject index.
Based on papers published in international peer reviewed journals, this work introduces a fundamental new paradigm in soil mechanics. It is written in clear, understandable language and suitable for senior undergraduates, graduate students, academics, and researchers, as well as industry professionals, particularly geotechnical engineers.