Cover ; Title Page ; Copyright Page ; Table of Contents ; Preface to the Paperback Edition ; Preface ; Glossary ; Headings/Titles ; The Composition of the Digest ; [The Whole Body of Law] ; The Confirmation of the Digest ; The Ancient Writers ; Book One ; 1. Justice and Law ; 2. The Origin of the Law and All the Magistracies and the Succession of the Jurists ; 3. Statutes, Senatus Consultu, and Long-Established Custom ; 4. Enactments by Emperors ; 5. Human Status ; 6. Those Who Are Sui Juris and Those Who Are Alieni Juris
2. Persons Incurring Infamia 3. Procurators and Defenders ; 4. Actions in the Name of or against Any Corporate Body ; 5. Unauthorized Administration ; 6. Vexatious Litigants ; Book Four ; 1. Restitutiones in Zntegrum ; 2. Acts Done under Duress ; 3. Malice or Fraud ; 4. Persons under Twenty-five ; 5. Change of Civil Status ; 6. The Grounds on Which Those over Twenty-five Obtain Restitutio in Integrum ; 7. Transfers Made in Order To Change the Condition of an Action
21. Duties of One to Whom Jurisdiction Is Delegated 22. Duties of Assessors ; Book Two ; 1. The Administration of Justice ; 2. The Same Rule Which Anyone Maintains against Another Is To Be Applied to Him ; 3. If Anyone Should Not Obey One Who Administers Justice ; 4. Summoning to Court ; 5. If Anyone Summoned to Court Does Not Appear or If Anyone Has Summoned One Whom in Accordance with the Edict He Ought Not To Have Summoned ; 6. Let Those Summoned Either Appear or Provide a Guarantor or Give an Undertaking
7. Adoptions and Emancipations and the Other Forms of Release from Power 8. Things Subdivided and Qualitatively Analyzed ; 9. Senators ; 10. Duties of Consul ; 11. Duties of Prefect of the Praetorian Guard ; 12. Duties of Prefect of the City ; 13. Duties of Quaestor ; 14. Duties of Praetors ; 15. Duties of Prefect of the City Guard ; 16. Duties of Proconsul and of Legate ; 17. Duties of Prefect of Egypt ; 18. Duties of Governor ; 19. Duties of Imperial Procurator or Rationalis ; 20. Duties of the Juridicus
7. Let No One Remove by Force One Who Is Summoned to Court 8. Those Who Are Compelled To Give Security or Promise by Oath or Who Are Liable under Their Own Promise ; 9. How Provision for a Guarantee May Be Made Where a Noxal Action Is Brought ; 10. One Who Prevents Another Appearing in Court ; 11. If Anyone Does Not Honor a Promise Given on Account of Appearance in Court ; 12. Holidays, Adjournments, and Various Other Times ; 13. Formal Pronouncements ; 14. Pacts ; 15. Transactiones ; Book Three ; 1. Applications to the Magistrate