Foreword : Is the American youth rebelling against America? / by Gérard Pommier -- Introduction / Vanessa Sinclair and Manya Steinkoler -- Bodies and the object-death / Jean-Jacques Moscovitz -- Political philosophy in Freud : the death drive and the critical faculty / Judith Butler -- The end(s) of violence / Juliet Flower MacCannell -- The sex in their violence : eroticizing biopower / Todd McGowan -- Lone wolf terrorists : howling in the eye of the wind--the case of Adam Lanza / Manya Steinkoler -- The tortured child / Franz Kaltenbeck -- Click and destroy : the clinic of video games / Vincent Le Corre -- Violence in repetition / Martine Fourré -- The violence of psychiatric diagnosis / Patrick Landman -- How to measure what : notes on universals and particulars / Todd Dean -- From violence to aggressiveness / Guy Dana -- Why the zombies ate my neighbors : whither ambivalence? / Carol Owens and Stephanie Swales -- Susan stern : Sham / Geneviève Morel -- Breaking the spell of the slave revolt in morality : from the subreption of identity-in-difference to the repetition of the paraconsistent / Alireza Taheri -- Terror and the unconscious : psychoanalysis in Argentina, 1976-1983 / Patricia Gherovici.