Whether to speak up or let things be / Rrichard Tuch with commentary by Fred Busch and James L. Fosshage -- Venturing on to thin ice : tiptoeing in the wake of empathic failures / Lynn S. Kuttnauer with commentary by Rosemary H. Balsam and Rachel Blass -- "If you keep talking to me this way, I am going to quit!" (you talk ... I walk) / Robert James Perkins with commentary by Robert Michels and Irma Brenman Pick -- Countertransference enactments three times over / Jill Model Barth with commentary by Salman Akhtar and Anne Alvarez -- Feeling misunderstood bilaterally / Susan L. Orbach with commentary by Andrea Celenza and Donnel Stern -- Patient as bean counter / Rina Freedman with commentary by Robert Glick and Judy Kantrowitz -- Withstanding the patient's demand for answers / Janet K. Smith with commentary by Jay Greenberg, Albert Mason and Dominque Scarfone -- To attend or not to attend the exhibit? / Nancy Kulish with commentary by Morris Eagle and Joseph Lichtenberg -- How far do we enter into a child's fantasy when we play? / Bernadette Kovach with commentary by Susan Donner and Alan Sugarman -- A shocking revelation / Deborah Harms with commentary by Stefano Bolognini and Mitchell Wilson -- Considering third parties : the question of allegiance / Michele Gomes with commentary by Edgar Levenson and Nancy Mcwilliams -- Worried sick about a patient / Richard Tuch with commentary by Darlene Ehrenberg and Ted Jacobs.
Conundrums and predicaments in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.