Principles and pluralist approaches in teaching economics :
towards a transformative science /
edited by Samuel Decker, Wolfram Elsner and Svenja Flechtner.
New York, NY :
1 online resource (xii, 347 pages)
Routledge advances in heterodox economics
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Towards a pluralist economic education for a transformative science -- Introduction, Samuel Decker, Wolfram Elsner and Svenja FlechtnerPart 1: Principles of Teaching Pluralist Economics 1. The Second Opinion: An Ethical Approach to Learning and Teaching Economics, Alan Freeman 2. Making the incommensurable comparable: A comparative approach to pluralist economics education, Andreas Dimmelmeier, Frederick Heussner, Andrea Pürckhauer and Janina Urban 3. What can teaching critical pluralist economics gain from "de-othering" sociology?, Stephan Panther 4. Comparing paradigms on a level playing field, Karl Betz with Martin Ehret 5. It Needs Two Eyes to See in Perspective: Teaching Economics through the Confrontation of Dissenting Views, Michael Derrer 6. Economic competence, economic understanding, and reflexive judgment: A social theory of teaching teachers of economics, Alexander Lenger, Yvette Keipke and Nils Goldschmidt Part 2: Approaches and Building Blocks 7. Introduction to Critical Political Economy in a multi-paradigmatic setting, Johannes Jäger 8. Heterodox perspectives in teaching the European integration and crisis: Critical political economy and post-Keynesianism, Johannes Jäger and Elisabeth Springler 9. Ecological economics in research and teaching: A matter of theoretical and ideological perspective, Peter Söderbaum 10. Suggestions for incorporating sustainability into the macroeconomics course, Jack Reardon and Maria Alejandra Madi 11. Demand-driven ecological collapse. A stock-flow fund-service model of money, energy and ecological scale, Jonathan Barth and Oliver Richters 12. Teaching feminist economics through student-written diaries, Genna R. Miller 13. Undermining the microeconomic textbook approach: Steps towards competitive pluralism, Frank Beckenbach 14. Functional income distribution in economic paradigms: The failure of the neoclassical approach and alternatives, Hans-Jörg Herr 15. The balance-sheet approach to macroeconomics, Dirk Ehnts 16. How to teach Ethics & Economics to undergraduate students?, Stefan Kesting 17. Addressing controversies in economics instruction through interdisciplinary learning communities: The Evergreen experience, Peter Dorman Part 3: Teaching for Socio-Ecological Transformation: Economics as a Transformative Science? 18. Contours of a critical transformative science, Samuel Decker 19. Transformative Economics -- Calling for a more conscious relationship between economics and society, Jonathan Barth and Florian Rommel 20. Tackling the roots: (Economic) Education for social-ecological transformation and degrowth societies, Christoph Sanders 21. Pluralist economics is taking shape. But further steps have to follow -- Conclusion, Samuel Decker, Wolfram Elsner and Svenja FlechtnerAppendix: Documentation: practicing pluralism through study program accreditation Index
This volume is a state-of-the-art compilation of diverse and innovative perspectives, principles, and a number of practiced approaches of fields, courses, and methods of pluralist economics teaching. It fosters constructive controversy aiming to incite authors and commentators to engage in fruitful debate. The complex economic problems of the 21st century require a pluralist, real-world oriented, and innovative discipline of economics, capable of addressing and teaching those complex issues to students from diverse perspectives. This volume addresses a number of key questions: Which models could be taught outside the equilibrium and optimality paradigm? Which methods could help to improve our understanding of the complex globalized economy? How can qualitative and quantitative methods be combined in a fruitful way to analyze complex economic problems? How can the academic isolation of mainstream economics that has developed over many decades be overcome, despite its attempted transdisciplinary imperialism? What role should knowledge from other disciplines play in teaching economics, and what is the relevance of transdisciplinarity? Through examining these issues, the editors and authors have created a pluralist but cohesive book on teaching economics in the contemporary classroom, drawing from ideas and examples from around the world. Principles and Pluralist Approaches in Teaching Economics is a unique collection of diverse perspectives on the methodology and applications of pluralist economics teaching. It will be a great resource for those teaching economics at various levels as well as researchers and intermediate and advanced students searching for pluralism in economics.
Taylor & Francis
Principles and pluralist approaches in teaching economics.