Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. Introduction; 1.1 A practical design objective; 1.2 Problem solving; 1.3 Units; 1.4 Background information; Rock mechanics literature; Mechanical properties of rock; 1.5 Problems; Basics; Review of stress; Review of strain and elasticity; Additional problems; 2. Slope stability; 2.1 Translational rock slope failures; Planar block slides; Safety factor improvement; Wedge failures; 2.2 Rotational slope failures; Remedial measures; Base failures; Toppling failures; 2.3 Problems; Planar block slides.
5.2 Softrock entriesNaturally suppor ted roof; Bolted roof; Point anchored roof bolting; Distributed anchorage roof bolting; Roof trusses; Additional examples; 5.3 Problems; Naturally supported roof; Bolted roof; Additional problems; 6. Pillars in stratified ground; 6.1 Pillars in a single seam; Tributary area, extraction ratio analysis; Size effect on strength; 6.2 Pillars in dipping strata; Extraction ratio formulas for pillars in dipping seams; An unconventional Mohr's circle representation; Generalized Mohr's circle; Backfill effects on pillar safety factors; 6.3 Pillars with joints.
Flat seam pillars with jointsDipping seam pillars with joints; 6.4 Pillars in several seams; Columnized main entry pillars; Staggered chain entry pillars; 6.5 Barrier pillars; 6.6 Problems; 7. Three-dimensional excavations; 7.1 Naturally supported caverns and stopes; Spheroidal excavations; Cubical and brick-shaped excavations; 7.2 Joints in cavern and stope walls; 7.3 Tabular excavations; 7.4 Cavern and stope support; Hardrock mine fill; Cable bolts support; Additional examples; 7.5 Problems; 3D Caverns; Back fill; Cable bolting; Additional problems; 8. Subsidence; 8.1 Chimneys.
Single, naturally supported shaftsSupported shafts, liners, bolts, rings; Multiple shafts; Additional problems; 4. Tunnels; 4.1 Naturally supported tunnels; Single tunnels; Single tunnel joints; Multiple tunnels; 4.2 Tunnel support; Fixed steel sets; Pattern bolting -- rock reinforcement; Combination support; Yieldable steel arches; Light segment liner; 4.3 Problems; Naturally supported tunnels; Supported tunnels; Rock mass classification schemes, RQD; Additional problems; 5. Entries in stratified ground; 5.1 Review of beam analysis; Basic beam formulas; Important special cases.
Wedge failuresRotational slides; Dynamics, toppling; Additional problems; 3. Shafts; 3.1 Single unlined naturally supported shafts; Shaft wall stress concentration; Unlined circular shafts; Unlined elliptical shafts; Unlined rectangular shafts; Shaft wall strengths; 3.2 Shaft wall support and liners; Shaft wall bolting; Circular shaft liners; Circular steel rings; 3.3 Multiple naturally supported shafts; Circular shafts in a row; Shaft pillar safety; Two circular shafts of different diameter; Elliptical shafts in a row; Rectangular shafts in a row; 3.4 Problems.
This comprehensive introduction to rock mechanics treats the basics of rock mechanics in a clear and straightforward manner and discusses important design problems in terms of the mechanics of materials. This extended third edition includes an additional chapter on Foundations on Jointed Rock.