Theodor W. Adorno (1903-69) -- Paul Auster (b. 1947) -- John Barth (b. 1930) -- Roland Barthes (1915-80) -- Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) -- Zygmunt Bauman (b. 1925) -- Daniel Bell (1919-2011) -- Homi K. Bhabha (b. 1949) -- Nicolas Bourriaud (b. 1965) -- Judith Butler (b. 1956) -- John D. Caputo (b. 1940) -- Hélène Cixous (b. 1937) -- Guy Debord (1931-94) -- Gilles Deleuze (1925-95) and Félix Guattari (1930-92) -- Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) -- Umberto Eco (b. 1932) -- Paul K. Feyerabend (1924-94) -- Michel Foucault (1926-84) -- Clifford Geertz (1926-2006) -- Kenneth J. Gergen (b. 1935) -- William Gibson (b. 1948) -- Philip Glass (b. 1937) -- Stephen Greenblatt (b. 1937) -- Peter Halley (b. 1953) -- Donna J. Haraway (b. 1944) -- David Harvey (b. 1935) -- Linda Hutcheon (b. 1947) -- Luce Irigaray (b. 1930) -- Fredric Jameson (b. 1934) -- Charles Jencks (b. 1939) -- Rem Koolhaas (b. 1944) -- Thomas S. Kuhn (1922-96) -- Ernesto Laclau (b. 1935) and Chantal Mouffe (b. 1943) -- David Lynch (b. 1946) -- Jean-François Lyotard (1924-98) -- Brian McHale (b. 1954) -- Benoit B. Mandelbrot (1924-2010) -- Steve Reich (b. 1936) -- Richard Rorty (1931-2007) -- Edward W. Said (1935-2003) -- Cindy Sherman (b. 1954) -- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (b. 1941) -- Quentin Tarantino (b. 1963) -- René Thom (1923-2002) -- Robert Venturi (b. 1925) -- Graham Ward (b. 1955) -- Hayden White (b. 1928) -- Slavoj Žižek (b. 1949).
"Postmodernism is an important part of the cultural landscape which continues to evolve, yet the ideas and theories surrounding the subject can be diverse and difficult to understand. Fifty Postmodern Thinkers critically examines the work of fifty of the most important theorists within the postmodern movement who have defined and shaped the field, bringing together their key ideas in an accessible format ... Each entry examines the thinkers' career, key contributions and theories and refers to their major works."--Publisher's description.