Intro; Hard Time: A Fresh Look at Understanding and Reforming the Prison; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; 1 Crime, Prison, and the Case for Corrections; 2 Modern Prisons in Historical Context; 3 The Pains of Modern Imprisonment; 4 Prisoner Deficits and Immature Coping; 5 The Public Culture of the Prison: Violence; 6 The Private Culture of the Prison: Living in Prison; 7 Correctional Officers Public Custodial Agenda; 8 Prison Officers Private Correctional Agenda; 9 Supermax and the Overuse of Solitary Confinement; 10 Reform; Afterword; Index; EULA; A Predilection for Prisons.
A Case for Decent Prisons Notes; References; American Prisons before the Penitentiary; Penitentiaries; Reformatories; The Big House; The Correctional Institution; Notes; References; Pain Amelioration in Prisons: Three Stages; Living with Deprivation; Pain and Harm; Notes; References; Immature Coping; Prisoner Types; Dysfunctional Adaptations to Imprisonment; Reconciling Public and Private Inmate Cultures; Notes; References; The Nature of Violent Prisoners; The Nature of Violent Prisons; Situational Violence; A Note on Violence in Womens Prisons; Notes; References; Living in Prison.
Deinstitutionalization and the increase in mentally ill inmates Supermax prisons; Loss of liberty; Deprivation of autonomy; Deprivation of goods and services; Boredom; Deprivation of heterosexual contact; Missing family; Disrespect; Deprivation of security; Limited cognitive and interpersonal skills; Denial; Poor self-control; Defective socialization; Lack of empathy; Predatory convicts; State-raised convicts; Institutionalized inmates; The mentally ill; Exceptions to immature coping: Square johns and long-termers; Predatory convicts and state-raised youth; Gang violence.
Smarter Punishment, Better Prisons Getting Out and Staying Out; Notes; References; Prison America; Incarcerating men and women of color; No escaping prison; The goals of prison punishment; Decent prisons and mature coping; General dynamics of adjustment; Decent prisons as a human right; Models of reformative penitentiary quarantine; Women and minorities in the penitentiary; The southern plantation prison; Women and minorities in the Big House; The Big House: Repression and its discontents; The decline of the Big House; Models of correctional facilities; Prison violence.
The Ecology of Prison Survival Prison Life, Prison Niches; Coping Strategies for Living in Prison; More Than Survival; Notes; References; Correctional Officer as Hack; Stress, Alienation, and Burnout; Notes; References; Providing Human Service; Human Service Activities; Rule Enforcement as Human Service Work: Developing Relationships and Legitimacy; Collaboration in Helping; Human Service in Perspective; Notes; References; Living and Working in Supermax; Assessing the Efficacy of the Supermax Experiment; Some Failures of Supermax; Moving Forward: The Devil Is in the Details; Notes; References.
"Explores topics including the nature of prison as punishment; prisoner personality types and their coping strategies; gang violence; prison officers' public and private custodial duties; and psychological, educational, and work programs offered"--
"This new edition of a longstanding, successful textbook explores the complex issues necessary to understand and reform the prison system. Draws from both ethnographic and professional material, and situates the prison experience within both contemporary and historical contexts Features first person accounts from prisoners and staff - both men and women - explaining what it's like to live and work in prison, and in doing so brings the issues alive for students Includes brand new extensive chapters on prison reform, and on supermax correctional facilities - including research on confinement, long-term segregation, and death row Explores topics including the nature of prison as punishment; prisoner personality types and their coping strategies; gang violence; prison officers' public and private custodial duties; and psychological, educational, and work programs offered Develops policy recommendations for the future based on qualitative and quantitative research and evidence-based initiatives"--