Arthur M. Cohen, Florence B. Brawer, and Carrie B. Kisker.
Sixth edition.
San Francisco :
1 online resource.
The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; The Authors; Chapter 1 Background: Evolving Priorities and Expectations of the Community College; Institutional Definitions; Development of Community Colleges; Rationalizing the New Form; Historical Development of the New Form; Expansion of Two-Year Colleges; The Two-Way Stretch; Curricular Functions; Academic Transfer; Occupational Education; Continuing Education; Developmental Education; Community Service; Intertwined Functions; Place in the Academic Pipeline; Colleges in Other Countries; Changing Emphases; Current Issues.
Chapter 2 Students: Diverse Backgrounds and PurposesReasons for the Increase in Numbers; Students' Lives; Student Ability and Academic Preparedness; Gender; Racial and Ethnic Diversity; Classifying Students and Their Intentions; Assessment and Tracking; Enrollment Patterns and Dropout; Swirling Students; Dropouts; Issues; Chapter 3 Faculty: Building a Professional Identity; The Workplace; The People; Preparation; Preservice Training; In-Service Training; Workload, Salary, and Tenure; Part-Time Faculty; Evaluation; Satisfaction; Desires; Professionalism; Issues.
Chapter 4 Organization, Governance, and Administration: Managing the Contemporary CollegeCategorizing Governance; Governing and Coordinating Units; The Local District; The State; Federal Role; Accreditation; Nontraditional Organizations; Local Governing Boards; Administration; The President; Administrative Structure; Departmental Structure; Leadership; Leadership Training; Collective Bargaining; Issues; Chapter 5 Finances: Generating, Sustaining, and Allocating Resources; Sources of Funds; Allocation Patterns; Performance-Based Funding; Tuition and Student Aid; Problems in Funding.
Scope and Organization of Student AffairsRecruitment, Orientation, and Retention; Counseling and Advising; Group-Specific Services; Student Activities; Financial Aid; Funding and Effectiveness; Issues; Chapter 8 Developmental Education: Enhancing Literacy and Basic Skills; Decline in Literacy; School Requirements; College Admissions; The Magnitude of Remediation; Developmental Teaching; Assessment and Placement; Integrated Programs; Program Effects; Legitimacy; The Dilemma of Tracking; Definitions of Functional Literacy; Imprecise Criteria; Reconciling the Dilemma; Issues.
Solving the ProblemsRevenue Generation and Diversification; Justifying the Costs; Issues; Chapter 6 Instruction: Methods, Media, and Effects; The Technology and Discipline of Instruction; Television; Computers; Writing Across the Curriculum; Supplemental Instruction; Mastery Learning; Competency-Based Instruction; Learning Communities; Learning Colleges; Learning Resource Centers; Distance Learning and Online Instruction; The Power of Inertia; Assessing Instructional Effects; Issues; Chapter 7 Student Services: Supporting Educational Objectives; Student Engagement.
"Community colleges have become a frequent subject of discussion in recent years, both among educators and philanthropists seeking to improve access and success in higher education for all groups, and increasingly among lawmakers and the general public responding to tuition increases at four year institutions, a high unemployment rate and need for worker retraining, and pressure for all young people to obtain a postsecondary degree or certificate. Much of the buzz has been positive, with community colleges cast as the nexus of national efforts to prepare a highly skilled workforce, as well as the lynchpin in the K20 education pipeline. Millions of federal and philanthropic dollars have been poured into the community college sector via initiatives such as the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program, Achieving the Dream, and Compete to Complete, and community colleges across the nation have responded with efforts to improve job training and workforce development programs, reforms intended to boost student progress and completion rates, and collaborations with K-12 and university personnel to improve articulation and transfer among the sectors. For thirty years The American Community College has provided up-to-date information and statistics about community colleges and has been widely used both in graduate courses on community colleges, and as reference material by community college scholars and practitioners (many of whom are entering doctoral programs in order to advance in the administrative ranks). The sixth edition includes an entirely new chapter focused on community college outcomes and accountability, as well as new sections dealing with the rise of for-profit colleges; vertical expansion, including dual enrollment and community college baccalaureates; cross-sector collaboration; student characteristics and enrollment patterns; the effects of part-time faculty; leadership and administrative challenges; revenue generation and state allocation patterns, including performance-based funding; distance learning; statewide efforts to improve transfer and articulation; and, finally, a response to contemporary criticisms of the institution"--