Cover; Half-title; Title page; Copyright information; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1 On Arendt; Events; Experiences; Traditions; Works; Basic Questions; Chapter 2 A Way of Thought; Critical Dismantling; Theory and Nontheory; Tasks of Thought; Chapter 3 A Pure Concept of the Political; Prejudices; A Return to Antiquity; A Pure Concept of the Political; Distinctions; Other Views of Arendt's Concept of the Political; Other Concepts of the Political; Chapter 4 Thinking before Theory; Faculties of Political Thought; Opinion; Judgment; Imagination
Forms of Political ThoughtThinking in Examples; Thinking in Stories; Representative Thought; Political Discourse; Chapter 5 Classical Political Philosophy; Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; Later Political Theory; Freedom; Authority; Law; Principle; Chapter 6 Rethinking the Classical Legacy; The Legacy of Classical Political Philosophy; Rethinking the Classical Legacy; Power; Strength; Force; Authority; Violence; Government; Contracts; Law; Freedom; Chapter 7 On Politics and Revolution; A Forgotten Legacy; Interpretations of the Revolution; Tasks of Interpretation; Colonial Experiences
The RevolutionThe Declaration of Independence; ''The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God''; ''We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident''; ''All Men are Created Equal''; ''Endowed by Their Creator with Certain Unalienable Rights''; ''Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness''; ''The Consent of the Governed''; ''An Absolute Tyranny over These States''; ''To Alter or to Abolish It, and to Institute New Government''; ''Absolved from All Allegiance to the British Crown''; ''We Mutually Pledge to Each Other''; The Lost Heritage of the Revolution; Conclusion: The Political Today; Works Cited; Index
What is politics? How is politics different from other spheres of human life? What is behind the debasement of political life today? This book argues that the most illuminating answers to these questions have come from Hannah Arendt. Arendt held that Western philosophy has never had a 'pure concept of the political', and that political philosophers have been guided and misguided by the assumptions implicit in their metaphysical questions. Her project was 'to look at politics ... with eyes unclouded by philosophy', and to retrieve the non-theoretical understanding of politics implicit in ancient Greek literature and history. David Arndt's original and accessible study shows how Arendt reworked some of the basic concepts of political philosophy, which in turn led her to a re-interpretation of American political history and even to a profoundly original reading of the US Declaration of Independence.
Arendt on the political.
Arendt, Hannah,1906-1975-- Political and social views.