Volume 1. 1. Four small examples ; 2. The quotient Z+GL2(k)/GL2(A) ; 3. SL3(Z), SL5(Z) ; 4. Invariant differential operators ; 5. Integration on quotients ; 6. Action of G on function spaces on G ; 7. Discrete decomposition of cuspforms ; 8. Moderate growth functions, theory of the constant term -- Volume 2. 9. Unbounded operators on Hilbert spaces ; 10. Discrete decomposition of pseudo-cuspforms ; 11. Meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series ; 12. Global automorphic Sobolev spaces, Green's functions ; 13. Examples -- topologies on natural function spaces ; 14. Vector-valued integrals ; 15. Differentiable vector-valued functions ; 16. Asymptotic expansions.
"The two-volume book treats three instances, starting with some small unimodular examples, followed by adelic GL2, and finally GLn. Volume 1 features critical results, which are proven carefully and in detail, including discrete decomposition of cuspforms, meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series, spectral decomposition of pseudo-Eisenstein series, and automorphic Plancherel theorem. Volume 2 features automorphic Green's functions, metrics and topologies on natural function spaces, unbounded operators, vector-valued integrals, vector-valued holomorphic functions, and asymptotics. With numerous proofs and extensive examples, this classroom-tested introductory text is meant for a second-year or advanced graduate course in automorphic forms, and also as a resource for researchers working in automorphic forms, analytic number theory, and related fields"--Publisher's description.