1. The historical legacies of Communism: an empirical agenda ; Replacing transitions with legacies? ; What is a historical legacy? ; Forms of legacy relationships ; Toward more robust legacy arguments ; Organization of the volume -- 2. Communist development and the postcommunist democratic deficit ; Communist modernization- achievements and limitations ; Nondemocratizing development: assessing the regime legacies of Communism ; Explaining the unusual Communist development-democracy link ; Nondemocratizing education ; The secret charm of Communist cities? ; Conclusion and implications -- 3. Room for error: the economic legacy of Soviet spatial misallocation ; The legacy of spatial misallocation ; Origin of the legacy: how did it happen? ; Extent of the distortion ; The cost of the distortion ; Is the legacy being overcome? ; Conclusion: dealing with the "gnarled tree economy" -- 4. Legacies of industrialization and paths of transnational integration after Socialism ; Inherited socialist and emerging capitalist industries: continuity and change ; Logics of foreign-led reindustrialization and deindustrialization ; Perceptions and choices in uncertain conditions ; Conclusions -- 5. The limits of legacies: property rights in Russian energy ; Common legacy, different outcomes: the privatization of oil and gas ; One legacy, different outcomes over time: expropriation in the oil sector ; Different legacies, similar outcomes? ; Conclusion -- 6. Legacies and departures in the Russian state executive ; Legacy patterns in the organization of the postcommunist Russian executive ; Legacy patterns in the recruitment of the postcommunist Russian executive ; Legacy patterns in the rituals of the postcommunist Russian executive ; Conclusion -- 7. From police state to police state? Legacies and law enforcement in Russia ; What counts as a legacy? ; Organizational legacies in Russian law enforcement ; FSB ; MVD ; The procuracy ; Organizational legacies: summary ; Cultural and behavioral legacies ; Policing and personal freedom ; Institutional rivalry and elite Chekists ; Everyday policing: serving the plan and one's pocket ; Cultural and behavioral legacies: summary ; Conclusion -- 8. How judges arrest and acquit ; Wholesale approval of pretrial detention ; Legacy as fragmentation ; Legacy as translation ; Legacy as bricolage ; Avoidance of acquittals in postcommunist criminal justice ; Legacy as fragmentation ; Legacy as translation ; Legacy as bricolage ; Conclusion -- 9. Historical roots of religious influence on postcommunist democratic politics ; Differences in policy influence across postcommunist democracy ; Communist legacies, religion, and national identities.
"This book takes stock of arguments about the historical legacies of communism that have become common within the study of Russia and East Europe more than two decades after communism's demise and elaborates an empirical approach to the study of historical legacies revolving around relationships and mechanisms rather than correlation and outward similarities. Eleven essays by a distinguished group of scholars assess whether post-communist developments in specific areas continue to be shaped by the experience of communism or, alternatively, by fundamental divergences produced before or after communism. Chapters deal with the variable impact of the communist experience on post-communist societies in such areas as regime trajectories and democratic political values; patterns of regional and sectoral economic development; property ownership within the energy sector; the functioning of the executive branch of government, the police, and courts; the relationship of religion to the state; government language policies; and informal relationships and practices"--
Elaborates an empirical approach to the study of historical legacies of communism, revolving around relationships and mechanisms rather than correlation and outward similarities.
Historical legacies of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe.