Cover; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Original Title; Original Copyright; Contents; 1. Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 The international construction environment; 1.2 Developments in analysis of the industry; 1.3 Definition of term; 1.4 The research framework; 1.5 Objectives and hypotheses of the research; 1.6 Footnotes; 2. Chapter 2: A Literature Review of Multinational Enterprise Theory; 2.1 Behavioural aspects of foreign investment; 2.2 Industrial Organisation Theory; 2.3 Internalisation theory and the MNE; 2.4 Location theory and the MNE; 2.5 General theories of the MNE
3. Chapter 3: An Economic Overview of the Construction Industry3.1 The client in construction; 3.2 Raw materials; 3.3 The construction process; 3.4 The final product; 3.5 Demand and Supply in the construction industry; 3.6 Structure of the construction industry; 3.7 Aspects of international construction; 4. Chapter 4: Application of Multinational Enterprise Theory to International Construction; 4.1 The research framework; 4.2 Ownership advantages; 4.3 Location advantages; 4.4 Internalisation advantages; 5. Chapter 5: Empirical Analysis of Ownership Advantages; 5.1 Methodology of the research
5.2 Ownership advantages5.3 Firm specific factors; 5.4 Country specific advantages; 5.5 Footnotes; 6 Chapter 6: Internalisation and Locational Factors; 6.1 Internalisation factors; 6.2 Locational advantages; 6.3 Political risk in international contracting; 6.4 Oligopolistic reaction in international construction; 6.5 Footnotes; 7. Chapter 7: The Financing of International Projects; 7.1 Financing operations in the MNE; 7.2 The export credit mechanism; 7.3 Export credit financing as a country specific o advantage; 7.4 Summary; 7.5 Footnotes; 8. Chapter 8: Summary and Conclusions
8.1 Summary of the thesis8.2 Relevance of the hypotheses of the research; 8.3 Theoretical conclusions; 8.4 Practical conclusions; 8.5 Limitations of the research and suggestions for future work; 8.6 Footnotes; 9. References; 10. Bibliography; Subject Index; Author Index
This book, first published in 1987, outlines the motives and methods of overseas operations by international contractors. Drawing on an economic analysis of the industry and on elements of international investment and production theory the book discusses the problems of both individual enterprises and the major nationality groups in the industry