A mixed methods approach to investigate the electronic banking websites service quality :
Hussein, Mirian Ismail
the case of Egypt
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Thesis (Ph.D.)
This research investigates the impact of e-service quality dimensions on public and private banking websites in Egypt from the perspectives of the main stakeholders. In order to understand the problem, the current study investigates: 1. How do different e-banking websites' stakeholders perceive the current e-service quality dimensions? 2. How do different e-banking stakeholders rank the existing e-service quality? 3. Whether the main service quality dimensions used in e-banking websites of private banks differ from those used in public banks? After reviewing literature, nine service quality dimensions were selected namely; Usability, Reliability, Responsiveness, Privacy, Incentives, Fulfillment, Efficiency, Assurance, and Empathy for investigation. This research employs a mixed methods approach and develops a research framework for nine dimensions. A structured questionnaire was randomly distributed to survey a large number of bank clients and data collected was statistically analysed. In order to get a broader picture, eight decision makers in banks were interviewed. Interview data was interpretively analysed and coded. Results were integrated showing that e-service quality has a significant impact on Internet Banking. Questionnaire and interview results reveal that public and private bank customers believe that e-banking websites have to include seven dimensions: Usability, Reliability, Responsiveness, Privacy, Fulfillment, Efficiency and Assurance, and should ignore insignificant dimensions such as Incentives and Empathy. Results proved Privacy to be the best predictor, while Incentives and Empathy had the least weights. Based on these results, System Dynamic Approach was utilised to simulate a revised dynamic model. Results show that Customer Relationship Management is a dimension that would increase e-service quality and customer satisfaction. Finally, similarities and differences between customers and decision makers helped better understand the problem, derive conclusions and make recommendations. It also helps banks' managers achieve a competitive edge through directing attention and resources efficiently to e-service quality dimensions based on customer priorities.