An investigation into the problems involved in the implementation of a suggested strategic planning model for schools in Saudi Arabia
Makhdoom, Ahmad
Goldsmiths, University of London
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Strategic planning at school level is a new concept in the field of education in Saudi Arabia, where the educational system is centralised and directly controlled by the Ministry of Education. The aim of this research was to investigate the consequences of implementing a specially devised strategic planning model in individual schools in Saudi Arabia. Twelve schools of average size were chosen as a representative sample: four elementary, four middle and four secondary schools. Interviews with senior management suggested a general lack of awareness of strategic planning at school level and some resistance to giving more autonomy to schools. The Makhdoom Strategic Planning Model, which has a distinctive vision-led format, was proposed and adopted in the sample schools. Perceived benefits included participants choosing their own vision for the school, sharing views and contributing to the decision- making process. Problems were discovered and discussed during initial interviews, subsequent workshops, and final interviews with school staff: lack of information and resistance to change were identified as the main potential challenges to introducing the Model into schools. Some compromises would be needed to avoid conflict with the central system. Leadership from head teachers and the availability of a facilitator were important factors for success. In addition to extending understanding of the value of strategic planning in the context of the Saudi Arabian education system at school level, this thesis presents an easily applicable, vision-led, 10-step Strategic Planning Model which can be used by managers in many other educational contexts.