A strategy for the development of a tourist trail of the Decapolis sites in Northern Jordan
Darabseh, Fakhrieh Majed Qasim
University of Birmingham
Thesis (Ph.D.)
This study investigates how the diverse archaeology of Jordan can be presented to different segmentations of visitors. As a country with abundant archaeological resources and heritage potential for tourism industry, there should be serious consideration toward the management and development of such resources in order to preserve them for future generations on the one hand and to provide economic benefits both to the local community and the national economy. The diversification of heritage tourism packages, and proposals for different alternatives among the potential of variety of different heritage sources, is one of the more efficient ways of spreading the load across the major sites in the country. As a case study, the creation of a tourist trail among the Decapolis cities is outlined since these cities form an important component of the history of Jordan and exploring their variety and diversity may give them further meaning and significance. Some of the cities suffer from an overloading of visitors while others do not receive an adequate measurement of attention either by the authorities or by the visitors themselves; therefore, this study focuses on the site of Abila as an example of how a city with significant potential for tourism might be developed through presentation of the city using non-invasive techniques such as geophysics. The study explores these issues in the context of heritage management and related legislation in Jordan alongside consideration of the community's role in tourism and how their aspirations are also met.