INTRODUCTION -- Unique Features of the Book -- Practical Strategies and Research Base -- An Interdisciplinary Approach -- A "Paper Mentor" Purpose -- A Transitions Perspective -- A Career-Wide Purpose -- Rationale for the Book -- Expectations for Publishing -- Increases in Educational Attainment -- Needs of Academic Authors -- Qualifications of Instructors -- Audience for the Work -- Organization of the Book -- Goals for Readers -- PART ONE: PROFESSIONAL ROLES AND PUBLISHABLE WRITING -- WEEK ONE: ACADEMIC AUTHORS -- 1. From Aspiring Author to Published Scholar -- WEEK TWO: EXPECTATIONS AND ETHICS -- 2. From Unpublishable to Publishable -- WEEK THREE: START TO WRITE -- 3. From Trepidation to a First Draft -- PART TWO: CONFERENCE PROPOSALS AND ARTICLE TYPES -- WEEK FOUR: CONFERENCE PROPOSALS -- 4. From Attending to Presenting at Conferences -- WEEK FIVE: LITERATURE REVIEWS AND POSITION PAPERS -- 5. From a Class Paper to a Publishable Review -- WEEK SIX: PRACTICAL ARTICLES -- 6. From Professional Experience to Expert Advice -- WEEK SEVEN: QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ARTICLES -- 7. From a Research Project to a Journal Article -- WEEK EIGHT: QUALITATIVE ARTICLES -- 8. From Qualitative Research to a Journal Article -- WEEK NINE: MIXED-METHODS RESEARCH ARTICLES -- 9. From Mixed-Methods Research to a Journal Article -- Mixed Methods Research: The Third Paradigm -- PART THREE: WRITING AS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT -- WEEK TEN: MONOGRAPHS, SCHOLARLY BOOKS AND COLLEGE TEXTBOOKS -- 10. From Consumer to Producer of the Literature -- WEEK ELEVEN: GRANTS AND PROJECTS IN COMBINATION -- 11. From a Single Work to Multiple Scholarly Spin-Offs -- WEEK TWELVE: ANONYMOUS PEER REVIEW AND EDITING -- 12. From Outsider to Insider in Scholarly Publishing -- WEEK THIRTEEN: CO-AUTHORSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT -- 13. From Novice to Expert.
This book offers systematic instruction and evidence-based guidance to academic authors. It demystifies scholarly writing and helps build both confidence and skill in aspiring and experienced authors. The first part of the book focuses on the author's role, writing's risks and rewards, practical strategies for improving writing, and ethical issues. Part Two focuses on the most common writing tasks: conference proposals, practical articles, research articles, and books. Each chapter is replete with specific examples, templates to generate a first draft, and checklists or rubrics for self-evaluation. The final section of the book counsels graduate students and professors on selecting the most promising projects; generating multiple related, yet distinctive, publications from the same body of work; and using writing as a tool for professional development. Written by a team that represents outstanding teaching, award-winning writing, and extensive editorial experience, the book leads teacher/scholar/authors to replace the old "publish or perish" dictum with a different, growth-seeking orientation: publish and flourish.