Freedom and causality in contemporary Islamic & Western philosophy
Araghi, Mohsen Mohammadi
Ryder, Andrew
University of Portsmouth
Thesis (Ph.D.)
This study tries to reflect the problem of compatibility between general causal law and the free will of human being, and whether or not the general causal law is compatible with the freedom of man; I will examine the different theories in contemporary Islamic and Western philosophy comparing them with each other and criticising them, and finally I will present my theory of 'moral obligation' which I think is able to give a new solution to this problem. In the first chapter I will give a short explanation of the background of this problem in the Islamic philosophy, in chapter two I will reflect upon the contemporary Islamic perspective. In the third chapter I will look at the contemporary Western theories regarding the problem and in the last chapter I'll present my view with respect to the free will and its compatibility with the general causal law.