Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-0-355-85237-0
Arkansas State University
Investigative journalism has a significant history in the United States (Bebawi, 2016). Operating under a free press protected by the first amendment, investigative journalism flourished in the early years of the U.S. As the marketplace began to dictate practices among journalists, investigative journalism has at times been very active and at other times the marketplace has restricted investigative journalists because of cost. Investigative journalism has been a hallmark of major television networks in the U.S. and Europe. However, investigative journalism in other parts of the world is often restricted, not by the marketplace but by government policies. This study seeks to better understand how Arab citizens perceive investigative journalism. Framing theory will be used to reach this study's goals. The "Snowball" sampling method is used to target 406 survey participants. This study found Arab citizens consider investigative journalism as a form of media that cover serious issues, politics, and corruption.
Middle Eastern Studies; Mass communications
Communication and the arts;Social sciences;Arab;Investigative;Journalism;Media