Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-0-355-82375-2
Asian Studies
Georgetown University
In this paper, I answer why the People's Republic of China (PRC) allows Hui Muslims relative freedom to practice and participate in religious activities, despite the Chinese Communist Party's wariness of religion-particularly foreign religions, and despite the Chinese Communist Party's rhetoric promoting the eventual demise of religion in favor of atheist ideology. I begin with two plausible explanations for why the CCP treats Hui differently than other groups: First, I demonstrate China's tendency to conflate ethnic and religious identities with separatism; and second, I will show the CCP's ability to use Hui Islam and Hui Muslims for its own benefit. Each play important roles in the Chinese government's treatment of the Hui compared to other religious groups. I review each of these plausible explanations and indicate why they are only a piece of the puzzle. Ultimately, I argue that the primary reason for the Chinese government to allow Hui Muslims greater freedom of practice is the successful and ongoing political sinicization of Hui Muslims. To conclude, I offer my thoughts on the outlook for Hui Muslims in a context of growing anxiety over the connection between Islam and terrorism in China.
Religion; Asian Studies; Islamic Studies
Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;China;Hui;Islam;Religion;Sinicization;Uyghur