Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Dredged Sediments from the Sabine-Neches Waterway
Mohammad Saiful Islam
Bernazzani, Paul
Lamar University - Beaumont
Committee members: Nguyen, T. Thuy Minh; Twagirayezu, Sylvestre
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-0-355-75373-8
Lamar University - Beaumont
Every year in the United States, commercial rivers are dredged for the maintenance of the navigation system and to continue the normal activities of waterways. Dredging activities have long had a negative impact as dredged material is stored in large placement areas. In an effort to promote the reuse of this material the soil must be stabilized, and any chemical contaminants must be identified and removed. The objective of this project is to investigate the possible relationships between the levels of contaminants and the dredged material origin and effect of soil stabilizer. Volatile organic compounds were extracted using the Soxhlet extraction method from different dredged soils and analyzed using various analytical techniques. Thermal analysis was used to monitor the stability of the soils and water content evaporation as it may relate to the presence of volatile organic contaminants. FTIR analysis provided information about the chemical functional groups present in the soils including undesired contaminants. Gas chromatography was used to quantify the variations of volatile organic compounds from soil samples. Results show that all samples contained organic contaminants but that the relative amounts varied depending on the origin of the soil sample as well as on the nature of the stabilizing agent.