Committee members: Reynolds, Dwight; Tomlinson, Barbara
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-0-355-43027-1
University of California, Santa Barbara
The following project is a preliminary investigation into the emergent alternative Arabic music network in Amman, Jordan. Drawing on data from my ethnographic fieldwork in Amman, Jordan, from July 10 to August 24, 2016, and July 20 to August 4, 2017, I propose that alternative music in Jordan is a relational concept, often defined in opposition to mainstream Arab pop music, and that there are hierarchical gender ideologies infused in this relationality. Further, alternative Arabic music in Jordan is an emergent network created and maintained through a constant negotiation between social spaces and actors. Finally, the music itself often expresses subtle disenchantment, which I interpret as being motivated by artists' lack of faith in their state's ability to resolve the immense sociopolitical challenges it faces. My work is distinct because, to date, there is a dearth of English-language scholarship published on Jordanian music. Working to resolve this gap, I hope to make interdisciplinary contributions to ethnomusicology, anthropology, Middle East studies, and studies of popular culture.
Cultural anthropology; Music; Middle Eastern Studies
Communication and the arts;Social sciences;Alternative music;Arab music;Gender;Jordan;Networks;Popular music