Reconciliation of the Prostitute, Anchoress, and Wandering Shepherd: Coming to Terms with Self, Society, and the Divine in Thirteenth Century Iberia
Carol Smolen
Piera, Montserrat
Temple University
Committee members: Duque, Adriano; Lorenzino, Augusto; Pueyo Zoco, Victor
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-79233-1
Temple University
This doctoral dissertation examines the manifestation of Christian reconciliation in three thirteenth century literary works from the Iberian Peninsula and the island of Mallorca, then part of the Crown of Aragon. This study discusses interpretations of the term "reconciliation" and applies the term to each work with regard to three aspects: reconciliation of self with self, of self with society, and of self with the divine.
Language, literature and linguistics;Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Berceo, Gonzalo de;Blaquerna;Egipciaca, Santa Maria;Llull, Ramon;Oria, Santa;Reconciliation