Resilience in seeking refuge: Religious coping strategies in Muslim refugees from Syria
Nabiha Hasan
Mitschke, Diane
The University of Texas at Arlington
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-63631-4
Social Work
The University of Texas at Arlington
The recent shift of attention onto Syrian refugees has resulted in much media coverage and discussion regarding this population. This study delved into the religious coping strategies of Muslim refugees from Syria. Participants were derived through a DFW-based nonprofit organization. Questions asked of participants were including but not limited to resiliency and religious coping mechanisms. Major themes developed from this study included: religious ideologies, challenges as new religious minorities in the United States, resettlement issues, and benefits of resettlement. Results showed high correlation between resilience and religious beliefs.
Religion; Social work
Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Islam;Muslim;Refugees;Religion;Resilience;Syria