Living arrangements of elderly widows in India: Family convention, bad luck and abandonment
Ann C. Wilder
Ingman, Stanley
University of North Texas
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-52240-2
Department of Sociology
University of North Texas
In India, issues of gender discrimination and female empowerment have become more prominent in the last several years. Elderly women, specifically widows, are often abandoned or not well cared for by family members and are typically marginalized within Indian society, vulnerable, and susceptible to poverty. This is an exploratory analysis with a research hypothesis asking, who are the caregivers of elderly widows? Statistics indicate that women may be taking on more of a care giving role with elderly widows which in turn may exacerbate the already existing issues of poverty and neglect for this population.
Gerontology; Social work; Demography
Social sciences;Domestic violence;Effects of immigration;Elder abuse;Elderly widows;India;Living arrangements;Poverty;Social condition;Women