Development of graphene-based anticorrosion coatings
Khaled Youssef
Mittal, Vikas
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Committee members: Alhassan, Saeed; Wang, Kean
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-37197-0
Chemical Engineering
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
The phenomenon of corrosion has been the subject of research for years driven by the demand from industries that utilize steel structures. The impact of corrosion-related economic losses is exacerbated in oil & gas industries that process ever increasing acidic streams of hydrocarbons. The extraction and processing of hydrocarbon resources associated with acidic gases (H 2S, SO2 & CO2) is a common problem in Gulf countries owing to the heavy dependence on oil & gas generated revenue. It has been estimated that the annual cost of corrosion in the UAE was the second highest among the GCC countries [1, 2]. Research has recently shifted towards nanomaterials to augment the anticorrosion capacity of organic coatings. Graphene, a one atom thick honeycomb structure of sp2 hybridized carbons possesses unique characteristics. The properties of graphene make it an excellent candidate for the development of environmentally benign anticorrosion coatings with extended service lifetimes.