A new solution to the pressure-transient behaviour in a multilayered reservoir with formation crossflow
Mohamed Tariq Alhamami
Lu, Jing
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Committee members: Al-Kobaisi, Mohamed Saad; Haroun, Mohammed
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-37202-1
Petroleum Engineering
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Multilayered reservoirs have been studied in the literature for two types of systems: (1) layers that are separated by impermeable barriers (no formation crossflow) and (2) layers that communicate in the reservoir. In this work, the general problem of distinct n homogenous layers, in which any two adjacent layers are crossflowing in the formation, is solved analytically. A new solution of the corresponding pressure transient behavior is proposed for a uniform-flux vertical well in a multilayered reservoir with formation crossflow. Layer parameters, including permeability, porosity, and layer thickness between crossflowing layers, are distinct for each layer. The solutions are presented for an infinite-acting system with no wellbore storage or skin factor effects.