Muslim religious experience: An experiential approach and dialogical tool
Mourice Magdy
Lingenfelter, Judith E.
Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies
Committee members: Lingenfelter, Sherwood G.
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-18242-2
Intercultural Studies
Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies
Magdy, Mourice. 2016. "Muslim Religious Experience: An Experiential Approach and Dialogical Tool." Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies. Doctorate of Intercultural Studies. 243 pp. This dissertation explores the religious experience of eight Muslim participants from California through a series of twenty-four interviews. The research examines four areas: the Islamic formal prayer rite, the participants' motivations for worship, their perception of sin and forgiveness, and their beliefs about death and the hereafter. The research employed methods of participant observation, in-depth interview, and ranking. It focused on a relationship of trust between the researcher-who participated in their formal prayer rites-and the participants. The design of interviews relied on storytelling and conversation.
Islamic Studies; Religious education; Comparative
Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Education;California;Forgiveness;Prayer rites
Chandrashekar, Santhosh
Lingenfelter, Judith E.
Intercultural Studies
Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies