The Impact of the Six-Day War on Jewish-Protestant Relations Volume I of II
Jason M. Olson
Sarna, Jonathan D.
Brandeis University
Committee members: Ariel, Yaakov S.; Troen, S. Ilan
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-12880-2
Near Eastern and Judaic Studies
Brandeis University
This dissertation is about how one war, the 1967 war between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations, changed the way the different branches of American Protestantism thought about the Jewish people and the State of Israel. This is a large claim to make, that one war could change Jewish-Christian relations so profoundly. But the nature of the Six-Day War was deep, and it was a war that changed Judaism and Jewish identity as well.
Religious history; Near Eastern Studies; Judaic studies
Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Christianity;Israel;Palestinians;Protestantism;Six-day war;Zionism