It's a Christian world: The role of Christian privilege in the college experiences of Jewish and Muslim undergraduates
Brianna K. Becker
Weiland, Steven
Michigan State University
Committee members: Baldwin, Roger G.; Renn, Kristen A.; Segall, Avner
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-04358-7
Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Michigan State University
This qualitative study explored the role of Christian privilege in the college experiences of Jewish and Muslim undergraduates at one large public, land grant, research intensive university, a predominantly white institution (PWI) in the Midwest. I interviewed 13 participants, seven Muslims (four women, three men) and six Jews (three women, three men), about their experiences in college, how Christian privilege appeared (or did not) in those experiences, and how and if they defined Christian privilege for themselves. Through narrative inquiry, in single session, semi-structured interviews, I gathered the stories of these 13 participants and the role of Christian privilege in their college experiences at Midwest University (MU).