An exploration of the social identity of Muslim background believers in a Muslim majority community in Bangladesh
Peter Kwang-Hee Yun
Netland, Harold
Trinity International University
Committee members: Ott, Craig; Priest, Robert J.
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-339-72630-4
Intercultural Studies
Trinity International University
The main purpose of this research is to explore the social identity of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) in Bangladesh. Three research questions address the following subjects: (1) Bangladeshi MBBs' formation of new social identities after belief in 'Isa; (2) MBBs' social integration with Muslims and participation in their religious activities; (3) MBBs' perception of four important issues (Allah, 'Isa, Muhammad, and the Qur'an). To answer these questions, qualitative research methodology-interviews in particular-was employed. Forty-eight local MBB respondents from diverse believers' communities (Jama'ats) and ten experienced foreign respondents were interviewed and were observed for one year.
Religion; Cultural anthropology; Social research; South Asian Studies
Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Anthropology of religion;Bangladesh;Contextualization;Insider movement;Islam;Muslim background believers;Social identity