Dynamic modeling and tuning strategy for oily water treatment plant level control
Mohamed Abdel Galeel Salih
Boiko, Igor
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Committee members: Al Hosani, Khalifa Hassan; Beig, Abdul Rahiman
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-339-52786-4
Electrical Engineering
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
The Oil and gas industry is one of the biggest industries worldwide. Global oil output has increased dramatically in recent years. This surge in supply and production is the result of multimillion dollars investments on new exploration as well as enhancement of existing field in methods such as artificial lifting using gas or liquid injection to sustain the reservoir pressure. Evidently, these technologies have been successful in withstanding or increasing current oil production rates. However, as the reservoirs age, the water cut increases rapidly in conjunction with the increase in production. This water cut can only go up with the reservoir age but at different rates according to reservoir topology. As a result, there is a need to address the issue of handling this enormous amount of effluent water coming along with the crude. For that reason, Oil companies have established dedicated oily water treatment units for handling incoming flux. The importance of these units arises from economical as well as environmental considerations. From the environmental side, much legislation is in place to limit the oil in water content of the effluent discharge to the environment. Oil companies choose to abide by this legislation to avoid hefty fines. From the economical perspective, increased efficiency in separation means that more crude will be extracted and sent back for processing. Many methods are suggested for separation, however, the gravitational separation method is chosen in this research
Environmental management; Electrical engineering; Energy
Applied sciences;Health and environmental sciences;Dynmaic modeling;Level control;Oily water treatment;Tuning strategy