Perspectives, attitudes and practices of American evangelicals towards Muslims in the U.S.
Amit A. Bhatia
Netland, Harold; Tienou, Tite
Trinity International University
Committee members: Ott, Craig
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-339-02094-5
Intercultural Studies
Trinity International University
In light of the increasing presence of Muslims in the US and the numerous ways in which evangelical Christians view Muslims and Islam, this dissertation is concerned with how American evangelicals should live among and relate to their Muslim neighbors. The study does so by exploring how American evangelicals think about Islam and Muslims, and is shaped by two research questions: What perspectives, attitudes and practices toward Muslims and Islam are found among evangelicals? How have these perspectives, attitudes and practices been formed and justified? The data to answer these questions were gathered through a qualitative study of forty lay American evangelicals and four pastors, as well as through a focus group study of an evangelical outreach ministry among Muslims.
Religion; Theology
Philosophy, religion and theology;Christianity;Engagement;Evangelical;Islam;Mission;Muslim