Investigation of Electrokinetic Low-concentration acid IOR (EK LCA-IOR) for Abu Dhabi carbonate reservoirs
Arsalan Arshad Ansari
Haroun, Mohammed R.
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Committee members: Nawrocki, Pawel; Rahman, Mohammed Motiur; Sarma, Hemanta
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-96056-3
Petroleum Engineering
The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Electrokinetic Low-concentration acid IOR (EK LCA-IOR) is one of the emerging IOR technologies which involves the application of the Low-concentration acidizing integrated with electrokinetic enhanced oil recovery (EK-EOR) conducted on Abu Dhabi carbonate core-plugs. This approach is gaining increased popularity due to a number of economic and reservoir-related advantages such as reduction in fluid viscosity, reduced water-cut, increased reservoir permeability, reduced HSE concerns, increased targeting of the unswept oil and enhanced depth of penetration. This research work demonstrates the impact of Electrokinetics (EK) on matrix acid stimulation in carbonate reservoirs with varying acid concentrations and voltage gradients.