A phenomenological study on principal leadership in Islamic K-12 schools
Allen Farina
Metiia, Joseph
Lynn University
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-78560-9
Lynn University
The Muslim population in America is increasing and to meet the demand for quality religious and academic instruction for Muslim youth, Islamic K-12 schools are being established throughout the U.S. As these institutions multiply, it becomes necessary to study school board influence and leadership by principals, although literary sources appear to be sparse. This phenomenological study can be a starting point for scholarly research on this topic, as follows: 1. How do Islamic school principals describe their leadership role as administrators of Muslim K-12 schools? 2. What impact does the school board have on the leadership role of principals in Islamic K-12 school settings? Seven Muslim principals participated in this study using criterion sampling and case numbers were assigned to encourage truthfulness. Data was gathered accordingly: 1. Demographic survey sent by email 2. An online open-ended survey 3. Two interviews
Islamic Studies; Religious education; Sociology
Social sciences;Education;Islamic K-12 Schools;Muslim Principal Leadership;Muslim Principals