Hearing the Cries of the Afflicted: The Development and Implementation of an Intercessory Prayer Ministry at Egypt Baptist Church on Behalf of Persecuted Christians and Churches around the World
Kevin R. Ferrell
Patterson, James D.
Union University
Committee members: Chen, Kevin; Dubis, Mark
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-43462-0
Theology and Missions
Union University
The plight of persecuted Christians and churches has been a topic of great concern and discussion in recent years. The interpretation and understanding of the role of persecution require a new Christian review and response, especially in light of such high profile cases in the news media such as Merian Ibrahim, a 27-year-old pregnant woman who was arrested and sentenced to die by the Islamic Sudanese government, and Rev. Saeed Abedini, an American pastor, who was arrested and imprisoned by the government of Iran. The Christian community cries out against these injustices and makes continuous pleas to the United States government and to others, but is this enough?