The Market for Afterlife Salvation: On Endogenous Establishment and Abolishment of Purgatory in Christianity and its Effects on the Printing Industry
Zeynab Masoudnia
Levy, David M.
George Mason University
Committee members: Houser, Daniel E.; Koyama, Mark L.
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-21501-4
George Mason University
According to the doctrine of purgatory, souls departing life in God's grace who haven't yet received remission of their sins, will suffer a temporary punishment in purgatory in order to be purged of sins and ready for heaven. Le Goff (1984), a scholar of medieval history, states that the doctrine of purgatory was introduced in Christianity by the Catholic Church in the 12th century. The importance of the doctrine of purgatory is the fact that it connects this world with the next, and those alive can pray and change the faith of souls in purgatory. Thus, purgatory is an interesting topic to study because the religious firm, the Church, can alter the well-being of individuals in both this world and the next. This research studies the history of endogenous changes in afterlife salvation and the doctrine of purgatory, along with the economic incentives leading to these changes.
Social sciences;Economics of religion;Market for aftelife salvation;Printing press;Protestant reformation;Purgatory;Religious controversy