Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-26646-7
Educational Psychology
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
This study examined factors that influence counselor supervisor development in Malaysia. The factors include counselor supervisor training, self-efficacy, and role conflict and role ambiguity. Data were collected from 290 participants who were providing clinical supervision in various settings. Participants completed either an online survey or a paper-and-pencil format on three Malay-translated version questionnaires. Structural Equation Modeling procedure was utilized to test seven hypotheses and path analysis was used to estimate model parameters. Four fit indices were utilized to assess the goodness-of-fit measurement model and the structural models. Examination of path analysis revealed five out of the seven hypotheses were supported. The results support the idea that counselor supervisor training had collective effect on counselor supervisor development, and counselor supervisor self-efficacy, but did not significantly direct effect on counselor supervisor role. In addition, the counselor supervisor self-efficacy factors reliably predicted counselor supervisor development and counselor supervisor role. Further, counselor supervisor role reliably predicted counselor supervisor development. Finally, the results showed that counselor supervisor training was not completely mediated through counselor supervisor self-efficacy; and direct effect of counselor supervisor training was found on counselor supervisor development. Implications for theory, training, and future research are discussed.
Asian Studies; Educational psychology; Counseling Psychology
Social sciences;Psychology;Education;Counselor development;Effect of counselor training;Malaysia;Role ambiguity;Role conflict;Self-efficacy