Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-44502-2
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching
The University of Arizona
In the age of multi-literacies, contemporary theories and devices are required to decipher increasingly complicated challenges which are presented by the digital technological revolution. Some of the existing approaches and frameworks of could inspire us but are not well equipped to address the complexities and multi-perspectives of the eccentric challenges that scholars face on diverse issues. Therefore, I present the critical semiotic order theory (CSOT) as a new eclectic theory to analyze discourse and moving and still images critically, semiotically and using systematic orders simultaneously.
Linguistics; English as a Second Language; Folklore; Children; Semiotics; Cultural identity; Politics; Discourse analysis; Racism; Films; Stereotypes; Ideology
Language, literature and linguistics;Education;Arab and muslim;Critical discourse;Film analysis;Hollywood movies;Negative stereotyping;Semiotic