Decolonizing human rights: The challenges of ensuring the dignity and freedom of Iranians through a human rights framework
Sahar DeAnne Driver
Fahim, Urusa
California Institute of Integral Studies
Committee members: Ghamari-Tabrizi, Behrooz; Ryan, Jim
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-30383-4
Anthropology and Social Change
California Institute of Integral Studies
The human rights industry today generates and organizes knowledge about the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iranians. The cultural archive it produces has been used to advance the global North's geopolitical interests and the accumulation of capital and power that leads to human rights abuses in the first place. Use of the human rights framework as a political strategy among Iranian-Americans and other allies acting from across geographic, political, economic, religious and other boundaries is therefore risky. The dangers it introduces should be examined alongside its tactical uses.
Cultural anthropology; Middle Eastern Studies; International Relations; Political science; Rhetoric
Language, literature and linguistics;Social sciences;Activism;Human rights;Iran;Orientalism;Political strategy