In this article we have presented experimental and theoretical works on the asymmetric magneto-optical trap. In Sec. 2, we have studied parametric resonance in a magneto-optical trap. We have described a theoretical aspect of parametric resonance by the analytic and numerical methods. We also have measured the amplitude and phase of the limit cycle motions by changing the modulation frequency or the amplitude. We find that the results are in good agreement with the calculation results, which are based on simple Doppler cooling theory. In the final subsection we described direct observation of the sub-Doppler part of the MOT without the Doppler part by using the parametric resonance which. We compared the spatial profile of sub-Doppler trap with the Monte-Carlo simulation, and observed they are in good agreements. In Sec. 3, we have presented two methods to measure the trap frequency: one is using parametric resonance and the other transient oscillation method. In the case of parametric resonance method, we could measure the trap frequency accurately by decreasing the modulation amplitude of the parametric excitation down to its threshold value. While only the trap frequency were able to be obtained by the parametric resonance method, we could obtain both the trap frequency and the damping coefficient by the transient oscillation method. We have made a quantitative study of the Doppler cooling theory in the MOT by measuring the trap parameters. We have found that the simple rate-equation model can accurately describe the experimental data of trap frequencies. In Sec. 4, we have demonstrated the adjustable multiple traps in the MOT. When the laser detunings are different, the usual sub-Doppler force and the corresponding damping coefficient at the MOT center is greatly suppressed, whereas the novel sub-Doppler traps are generated and exist within a finite range of detuning differences. We have found that and ±atomic transitions excited by the transverse lasers in the longitudinal direction are responsible for the strong side and the weak middle sub-Doppler traps, respectively. The adjustable array of sub-Doppler traps may be useful for controllable atom-interferometertype experiments in atom optics or quantum optics. The AMOT described in this article can be used for study of nonlinear dynamics using cold atoms such as critical phenomena far from equilibrium (Kim et al., 2006) or a nonlinear Duffing oscillation (Nayfeh & Moore, 1979; Strogatz, 2001).