Kitchen setup --; Raw basics --; Tools and techniques --; Advance preparation --; Breakfast. Juice ; Fruit ; Cereal --; Menus for lunch and dinner --; Lunch and dinner. Dips, pâtés, and savory sauces ; Soups ; Salads ; Salad dressings ; Sandwiches ; Entrées ; Vegetable side dishes --; Dessert. Cakes, cookies, and bars ; Crisps, pies, and tarts ; Mousses, puddings, and sweet sauces ; Shakes and ice creams --; Glossary.
Chicago-based cooking instructor Jennifer Cornbleet, shares her favorite no-cook recipes in smaller quantities ideal for one or two people. Essential time-saving tips and techniques, along with Jennifer's clear instructions, prove you don't have to toil in the kitchen in order to enjoy nutritious, delicious raw food.--From publisher description.