Title page; Introduction; Contents; Quantum Communication and Entanglement; Quantum Entanglement: Detection Methods and Usefulness as a Physical Resource; On Quantum Cryptography with Bipartite Bound Entangled States; Unitary Local Permutations on Bell Diagonal States of Qudits and Quantum Distillation Protocols; Quantum Communication Channels in Infinite Dimensions; Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Information; Generalized Bell Inequalities and the Entanglement of Pure States; Thermal Entanglement in Infinite Dimensional Systems. Improved Algorithm for Quantum Separability and Entanglement DetectionGeneralised Entanglement Swapping; Quantum Information Processing with Low-Dimensional Systems; Local Information and Nonorthogonal States; Optimal Alphabets for Noise-Resistant Quantum Cryptography; Quantum Algorithms and Error Correction; Quantum Algorithms and Complexity; An Introduction to Measurement Based Quantum Computation; Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerance; Simulating Fourier Transforms for Open Quantum Systems in Higher Encoding Bases; Entanglement, Area Law and Group Theory. A Quantum Algorithm for Closest Pattern MatchingClassical and Quantum Fingerprinting in the One-Way Communication Model; Quantum Information Theory in Spin Systems; Introduction to Localizable Entanglement; State Transfer in Permanently Coupled Quantum Chains; Geometric Effects in Spin Chains; Quantum Walks and Decoherence on a 1+1 Lattice; Certain Aspects of Quantum Random Walk Asymptotics; Implementations of Quantum Information Processing; From Entanglement to Quantum Key Distribution; Preparation and Measurement of Qutrits Based on Single-Mode Biphotons. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics: Quantum Entanglement and InformationPossibility of Quantum Computation by Utilizing Carbon Nanotubes --; Cooper Pair Splitting by Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid -; Implementing Quantum Processors in the Solid State; Quantum Field Trajectories Under Photon Number Qnd Measurement; Quantum Computation Beyond the "Standard Circuit Model"; Entangled Light from Optical Time Boundaries; Strong Light-Matter Coupling: Parametric Interactions in a Cavity and Free-Space. Macroscopic Quantum Information Channel Via the Polarization-Sensitive Interaction Between the Light and Spin SubsystemsFrom Network Complexity to Time Complexity Via Optimal Control; Author Index.
The knowledge that nature can be coherently controlled and manipulated at the quantum level was perceived as both a powerful stimulus and one of the greatest challenges facing experimental physics. Fortunately the exploration of quantum technology has many staging posts along the way, each of which will yield scientifically and technologically useful results and some of them are described in this volume.